The service
Messages on page
強制用戶端離開的多點傳送工作階段: ClientMAC: %1 ClientIP: %2 NamespaceName: %3 ObjectName: %4 原因: %5
O foi forçado a sair da Sessão Multicast: MACCliente: %1 IPCliente: %2 NomeEspaçoNomes: %3 NomeObjecto: %4 Motivo: %5
İstemci Çok Noktaya Yayın Oturumundan çıkarıldı: İstemci MAC'i: %1 İstemci IP'si: %2 Ad Alanı Adı: %3 Nesne Adı: %4 Nedeni: %5
客户端被强制退出多播会话: ClientMAC: %1 ClientIP: %2 NamespaceName: %3 ObjectName: %4 原因: %5
Cliente saiu forçadamente de Sessão Multicast: ClientMAC: %1 ClientIP: %2 NamespaceName: %3 ObjectName: %4 Reason: %5
Клиент исключен из многоадресного сеанса: MAC клиента %1 IP клиента %2 Имя пространства имен: %3 Имя объекта: %4 Причина: %5
Client rimosso dalla sessione multicast: MAC client: %1 IP client: %2 Nome spazio dei nomi: %3 Nome oggetto: %4 Motivo: %5
Klienten tvingades ur multicast-sessionen: Klient-MAC: %1 Klient-IP: %2 Namnområdesnamn: %3 Objektnamn: %4 Orsak: %5
De client is verwijderd uit de multicast-sessie: ClientMAC: %1 ClientIP: %2 NamespaceName: %3 ObjectName: %4 Reason: %5
클라이언트가 멀티캐스트 세션에서 강제 종료되었습니다. 클라이언트 MAC: %1 클라이언트 IP: %2 네임스페이스 이름: %3 개체 이름: %4 이유: %5
Wymuszono opuszczenie sesji multiemisji przez klienta: Adres MAC klienta: %1 Adres IP klienta: %2 Nazwa obszaru nazw: %3 Nazwa obiektu: %4 Przyczyna: %5
Az ügyfelet kizárták a csoportos küldési munkamenetből: Ügyfél MAC-címe: %1 Ügyfél IP-címe: %2 Névtérnév: %3 Objektumnév: %4 Ok: %5
Le client a forcé la sortie d’une session de multidiffusion : MACClient : %1 IPClient : %2 NomEspaceNoms : %3 NomObjet : %4 Raison : %5
Klient byl nuceně odpojen od relace vícesměrového vysílání: Adresa MAC klienta: %1 Adresa IP klienta: %2 Název oboru názvů: %3 Název objektu: %4 Důvod: %5
Se forzó la salida del cliente de la sesión de multidifusión: MAC de cliente: %1 IP de cliente: %2 Nombre de espacio de nombres: %3 Nombre de objeto: %4 Razón: %5
Client zum Verlassen der Multicastsitzung gezwungen: ClientMAC: %1 ClientIP: %2 NamespaceName: %3 ObjectName: %4 Grund: %5
クライアントがマルチキャスト セッションから強制的に退出させられました: クライアント MAC: %1 クライアント IP: %2 名前空間名: %3 オブジェクト名: %4 理由: %5
WDS Image Library
WDS 映像庫
Biblioteca de Imagens do WDS
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
WDS Yansıma Kitaplığı
WDS Image Library
WDS 映像库
WDS Image Library
Biblioteca de Imagens do WDS
Библиотека образов службы развертывания Windows
Libreria di immagini di Servizi di distribuzione Windows
WDS-bibliotheek met installatiekopieën
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
WDS 이미지 라이브러리
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
Biblioteka obrazów Usług wdrażania systemu Windows
WDS Image Library
Központi Windows-telepítési szolgáltatások lemezkép-kódtár
WDS Image Library
Bibliothèque d’images des services de déploiement Windows
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
Knihovna bitových kopií WDS
Biblioteca de imágenes WDS
WDS Image Library
WDS Image Library
WDS イメージ ライブラリ
The requested attribute was not found.
O atributo solicitado não foi encontrado.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
İstenen öznitelik bulunamadı.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
Atributo solicitado não encontrado.
Требуемый атрибут не найден.
Impossibile trovare l'attributo richiesto.
Det begärda attributet hittades inte.
Kan het opgevraagde onderdeel niet vinden.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
요청한 특성을 찾을 수 없습니다.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
Nie znaleziono żądanego atrybutu.
The requested attribute was not found.
A kért attribútum nem található.
The requested attribute was not found.
Impossible de trouver l’attribut demandé.
The requested attribute was not found.
The requested attribute was not found.
Požadovaný atribut nebyl nalezen.
No se encontró el atributo solicitado.
The requested attribute was not found.
Das angeforderte Attribut wurde nicht gefunden.
The requested attribute was not found.
The image group is empty.
O grupo de imagens está vazio.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
Yansıma grubu boş.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
Grupo de imagens vazio.
Группа образов пуста.
Il gruppo di immagini è vuoto.
Avbildningsgruppen är tom.
De groep met installatiekopieën is leeg.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
이미지 그룹이 비어 있습니다.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
Grupa obrazów jest pusta.
The image group is empty.
A lemezképcsoport üres.
The image group is empty.
Le groupe d’images est vide.
The image group is empty.
The image group is empty.
Skupina bitových kopií je prázdná.
Grupo de imágenes vacío.
The image group is empty.
Die Abbildgruppe ist leer.
The image group is empty.
このイメージ グループは空です。
There are no more images.
Não existem mais imagens.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
Başka yansıma yok.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
Não há mais imagens.
Больше образов нет.
Non ci sono altre immagini.
Det finns inga fler avbildningar.
Er zijn geen installatiekopieën meer.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
이미지가 더 이상 없습니다.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
Nie ma więcej obrazów.
There are no more images.
Nincs több lemezkép.
There are no more images.
Il n’y a pas d’autres images.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
Nejsou k dispozici žádné další bitové kopie.
No hay más imágenes.
There are no more images.
Es sind keine weiteren Abbilder vorhanden.
There are no more images.
There are no more images.
Foi especificado um identificador inválido.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
Geçersiz bir tanıtıcı belirtildi.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
Identificador inválido especificado.
Указан неверный дескриптор.
Handle specificato non valido.
Ett ogiltigt handtag har angetts.
Er is een ongeldige koppeling opgegeven.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
올바르지 않은 핸들이 지정되었습니다.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
Określono niepoprawne dojście.
An invalid handle was specified.
Érvénytelen leírót adtak meg.
An invalid handle was specified.
Un descripteur non valide a été spécifié.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle was specified.
Byl zadán neplatný popisovač.
Se especificó un controlador no válido.
An invalid handle was specified.
Es wurde ein ungültiges Handle angegeben.
An invalid handle was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Foi especificado um tipo de identificador inválido.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Geçersiz bir tanıtıcı türü belirtildi.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Tipo de identificador inválido especificado.
Указан неверный тип дескриптора.
Tipo di handle specificato non valido.
En ogiltig handtagstyp har angetts.
Er is een ongeldig type koppeling opgegeven.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
올바르지 않은 핸들 형식이 지정되었습니다.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Określono niepoprawny typ dojścia.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Érvénytelen leírótípust adtak meg.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Un type de descripteur non valide a été spécifié.
An invalid handle type was specified.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Byl zadán neplatný typ popisovače.
Se especificó un tipo de controlador no válido.
An invalid handle type was specified.
Es wurde ein ungültiger Handletyp angegeben.
An invalid handle type was specified.
The image store is empty.
O arquivo de imagens está vazio.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
Yansıma deposu boş.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
O armazenamento de imagens está vazio.
Хранилище образов пусто.
L'archivio immagini è vuoto.
Avbildningsarkivet är tomt.
De opslag met installatiekopieën is leeg.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
이미지 저장소가 비어 있습니다.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
Magazyn obrazów jest pusty.
The image store is empty.
A lemezképtároló üres.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
The image store is empty.
Úložiště bitových kopií je prázdné.
Almacén de imágenes vacío.
The image store is empty.
Der Abbildspeicher ist leer.
Le magasin d’images est vide.
The image store is empty.
このイメージ ストアは空です。
There are no more image groups.
Não existem mais grupos de imagens.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
Başka yansıma grubu yok.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
Não há mais grupos de imagens.
Больше нет групп образов.
Non ci sono altri gruppi di immagini.
Det finns inga fler avbildningsgrupper.
Er zijn geen groepen met installatiekopieën meer.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
이미지 그룹이 더 이상 없습니다.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
Nie ma więcej grup obrazów.
There are no more image groups.
Nincs több lemezképcsoport.
There are no more image groups.
Il n’y a pas d’autres groupes d’images.
There are no more image groups.
There are no more image groups.
Nejsou k dispozici žádné další skupiny bitových kopií.
No hay más grupos de imágenes.
There are no more image groups.
Es sind keine weiteren Abbildgruppen vorhanden.
There are no more image groups.
これ以上イメージ グループがありません。
The image file specified is empty.
O ficheiro de imagem especificado está vazio.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
Belirtilen yansıma dosyası boş.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
O arquivo de imagem especificado está vazio.
Указанный файл образов пуст.
Il file immagine specificato è vuoto.
Den angivna avbildningsfilen är tom.
Het opgegeven installatiekopiebestand is leeg.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
지정한 이미지 파일이 비어 있습니다.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
Określony plik obrazu jest pusty.
The image file specified is empty.
A megadott lemezkép üres.
The image file specified is empty.
Le fichier image spécifié est vide.
The image file specified is empty.
The image file specified is empty.
Zadaný soubor bitové kopie je prázdný.
El archivo de imagen especificado está vacío.
The image file specified is empty.
Die angegebene Abbilddatei ist leer.
The image file specified is empty.
指定されたイメージ ファイルは空です。
See catalog page for all messages.