Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
WINS 与其伙伴复制时,一个伙伴显示的数据比实际存在的要多。WINS 已调整其计数器,以便新的注册和更新可以被其伙伴看到。这说明故障恢复没有正常工作。您可能希望检查与本地 WINS 相关的最高版本号的伙伴。在注册表中指定此版本号后关闭并重启动 WINS。
Unlocalized message
When WINS replicated with its partners, one of the partners showed there was more data that actually existed. WINS adjusted its counter so that new registrations and updates are seen by its partners. This means that recovery did not work properly. You may want to check which of the partners has the highest version number corresponding to the local WINS. Shut down WINS and restart after specifying this number in the registry.
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