Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
无法创建或打开 WINS\Parameters\ConsistencyCheck 子项。如果要让 WINS 在其数据库上定期进行一致性检查,则需要使用此项。注意: 一致性检查可能会占用很大的网络带宽。请检查该项上的权限是否设置正确,系统资源是否不足,或注册表是否存在问题。
Unlocalized message
The WINS\Parameters\ConsistencyCheck subkey could not be created or opened. This key should be there if you want WINS to do consistency checks on its database periodically. NOTE: Consistency checks have the potential of consuming large amounts of network bandwidth. Check to see if the permissions on the key are set properly, system resources are low, or the registry is having a problem.
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