Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
備份目錄中至少有一個 .xml 檔案已遺失或損毀。因此,Windows 系統資源管理員資料檔案已被重設為後續安裝狀態。所有的處理程序符合條件、資源配置原則、行事曆事件及排程資訊都將會遺失。其他的資訊或狀態,例如計量狀態、通知狀態、排除清單資訊及目前的管理狀態,都未還原。
Unlocalized message
One or more .xml files in the backup directory are missing or are corrupted. As a result, Windows System Resource Manager data files have been reset to the post-installation state. All process-matching criteria, resource-allocation policies, calendar events, and schedules information will be lost. Other information or states, such as accounting state, notification state, exclusion list information, and current management state, are not reverted.
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