Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
MSB3814: 未正確建置主要組件 "<var>Assembly Name </var>"。資訊清單資源 "<var>X</var>" 的結尾是 .en-US.resources,但結尾應該是 .resources。請將它重新命名成類似 foo.resources (並考慮在主要組件上使用 NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute),或將它移到英文 (美國) 的附屬組件。
Unlocalized message
MSB3814: Main assembly "<var>Assembly Name </var>" was built improperly. The manifest resource "<var>X</var>" ends in .en-US.resources, when it should end in .resources. Either rename it to something like foo.resources (and consider using the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute on the main assembly), or move it to a US English satellite assembly.
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