Message in Danish (Dansk)
Den opgavebaserede, asynkrone OperationContract-metode '<var>Method name</var>' i typen '<var>Type Name</var>' stemte overens med de asynkrone OperationContract-metoder '<var>X</var>' og '<var>Y</var>', fordi de har det samme handlingsnavn '<var>Z</var>'. Når en opgavebaseret, asynkron OperationContract-metode sammenkædes med et par asynkrone OperationContract-metoder, skal de to OperationContracts have den samme værdi i egenskaben '<var>A</var>'. I dette tilfælde er værdierne forskellige. Du kan løse det ved at ændre egenskaben '<var>A</var>' for en af OperationContracts, så de er ens. Alternativt kan du ændre navnet på en af metoderne for at undgå sammenkædningen.
Unlocalized message
The task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '<var>Method name</var>' in type '<var>Type Name</var>' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '<var>X</var>' and '<var>Y</var>' because they have the same operation name '<var>Z</var>'. When a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must have the same value for the '<var>A</var>' property. In this case, the values are different. To fix it, change the '<var>A</var> property of one of the OperationContracts to match the other. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching.
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