Message in Norwegian (Bokmal) (Norsk (Bokmål))
Den synkrone OperationContract-metoden <var>Method name</var> i typen <var>Type Name</var> ble tilpasset den oppgavebaserte asynkrone OperationContract-metoden <var>X</var> fordi de har samme operasjonsnavn X. Når en synkron OperationContract-metode tilpasses en oppgavebasert asynkron OperationContract-metode, må de to OperationContract-metodene definere samme returtype. I dette tilfellet er returtypene forskjellige. Dette løser du ved å sikre at metoden <var>Method name</var> og metoden <var>X</var> får samme returtype. Du kan også endre navnet på en av metodene for å hindre at de samsvarer.
Unlocalized message
The synchronous OperationContract method '<var>Method name</var>' in type '<var>Type Name</var>' was matched with the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '<var>X</var>' because they have the same operation name 'X'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method, the two OperationContracts must define the same return type. In this case, the return types are different. To fix it, ensure that method '<var>Method name</var>' and method '<var>X</var>' have the same return type. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching.
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