Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
在此映射架构中指定的存储 EntityContainer 名称“<var>X</var>”与概念模型中的 EntityContainer“<var>Z</var>”的之前映射架构中指定的存储 EntityContainer 名称“<var>Y</var>”不匹配。请确保仅为每个 EntityContainer 指定一个映射,或者如果要指定局部映射,请确保它们映射到同一个存储 EntityContainer。
Unlocalized message
Storage EntityContainer name '<var>X</var>' specified in this mapping schema doesn't match with the storage EntityContainer name '<var>Y</var>' specified in the previous mapping schema(s) for EntityContainer '<var>Z</var>' in the conceptual model. Make sure that you specify exactly one mapping per EntityContainer, or if you want to specify partial mapping, make sure that they map to the same storage EntityContainer.
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