Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
無法對關聯性 '<var>Z</var>' 中角色名稱 '<var>Y</var>' 傳回 <var>X</var> 物件的 EntityCollection。Make sure that 請確認定義此關聯性的 EdmRelationshipAttribute 是否有此角色名稱的正確 RelationshipMultiplicity。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Entity Framework 文件。
Unlocalized message
An EntityCollection of <var>X</var> objects could not be returned for role name '<var>Y</var>' in relationship '<var>Z</var>'. Make sure that the EdmRelationshipAttribute that defines this relationship has the correct RelationshipMultiplicity for this role name. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.
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