Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
Array.ConstrainedCopy 只对已证实兼容的数组类型起作用,而不必对每个数组元素进行任何形式的装箱、取消装箱、扩大或强制转换。更改数组类型(例如,将 Derived[] 复制到 Base[]),或对 Array.Copy 的可靠度不高的协定使用 CER 中的缓解策略,如克隆数组或丢弃可能已损坏的目标数组。
Unlocalized message
Array.ConstrainedCopy will only work on array types that are provably compatible, without any form of boxing, unboxing, widening, or casting of each array element. Change the array types (i.e., copy a Derived[] to a Base[]), or use a mitigation strategy in the CER for Array.Copy's less powerful reliability contract, such as cloning the array or throwing away the potentially corrupt destination array.
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