Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
'<var>X</var>.<var>Y</var>' 未以 OptionalFieldAttribute 標記,表示其必須序列化。然而 '<var>X</var>' 衍生自以 DataContractAttribute 標記的類別,且 IsReference 設定為 '<var>Z</var>'。在 IsReference 類別上不可能有需要的資料成員。請以 OptionalFieldAttribute 裝飾 '<var>X</var>.<var>Y</var>',或在適當的父類別上停用 IsReference 設定。
Unlocalized message
'<var>X</var>.<var>Y</var>' is not marked with OptionalFieldAttribute, thus indicating that it must be serialized. However, '<var>X</var>' derives from a class marked with DataContractAttribute and an IsReference setting of '<var>Z</var>'. It is not possible to have required data members on IsReference classes. Either decorate '<var>X</var>.<var>Y</var>' with OptionalFieldAttribute, or disable the IsReference setting on the appropriate parent class.
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