Message in Danish (Dansk)
Den synkrone OperationContract-metode <var>Method name</var> i typen <var>Type Name</var> stemte overens med de asynkrone OperationContract-metoder <var>X</var> og <var>Y</var>, da de har samme handlingsnavn <var>Z</var>. Når en synkron OperationContract-metode stemmer overens med et par asynkrone OperationContract-metoder, skal de to OperationContracts have samme værdi for egenskaben <var>A</var>. I dette tilfælde er værdierne forskellige. Du kan løse problemet ved at ændre egenskaben <var>A</var> for den ene OperationContract, så den stemmer overens med den anden. Ellers kan du ændre navnet på en af metoderne, så de ikke stemmer overens.
Unlocalized message
The synchronous OperationContract method '<var>Method name</var>' in type '<var>Type Name</var>' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '<var>X</var>' and '<var>Y</var>' because they have the same operation name '<var>Z</var>'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must have the same value for the '<var>A</var>' property. In this case, the values are different. To fix it, change the '<var>A</var> property of one of the OperationContracts to match the other. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching.
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