Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
针对类型“<var>Type Name</var>”中的方法“<var>Method name</var>”声明的 <var>X</var> 无效。<var>X</var> 仅对在具有 ServiceContractAttribute 的类型中声明的方法有效。请将 ServiceContractAttribute 添加到类型“<var>Type Name</var>”,或者从方法“<var>Method name</var>”中移除 <var>X</var>。
Unlocalized message
The <var>X</var> declared on method '<var>Method name</var>' in type '<var>Type Name</var>' is invalid. <var>X</var>s are only valid on methods that are declared in a type that has ServiceContractAttribute. Either add ServiceContractAttribute to type '<var>Type Name</var>' or remove <var>X</var> from method '<var>Method name</var>'.
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