Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
無法反映方法 <var>Method name</var>.<var>X</var>。參數 <var>Y</var> 無法與 Rpc\Literal SOAP 訊息搭配使用,因為它宣告使用了匿名的結構描述型別,只有最上層的具名型別才能與 rpc\literal SOAP 訊息搭配使用。
Unlocalized message
Method <var>Method name</var>.<var>X</var> can not be reflected. Parameter '<var>Y</var>' may not be used with Rpc\Literal SOAP messages because it is declared using an anonymous schema type, only top-level named types can be used with rpc\literal SOAP messages.
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