Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
说明中的 wsdl:binding 在其每一个 soapbind:header、soapbind:headerfault 和 soapbind:fault 元素中,只能引用已使用元素属性定义的 wsdl:part 元素。因为错误和头不含参数,soapbind:fault、soapbind:header 和 soapbind:headerfault 假定每个 WSDL 1.1 的样式属性值为“document”。R2204 要求所有样式属性值为“document”的 wsdl:part 元素(绑定到了 soapbind:body)必须使用元素属性进行定义。此要求对 soapbind:fault、soapbind:header 和 soapbind:headerfault 元素也是如此。
Unlocalized message
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, in each of its soapbind:header, soapbind:headerfault and soapbind:fault elements, only to wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined using the element attribute. Because faults and headers do not contain parameters, soapbind:fault, soapbind:header and soapbind:headerfault assume, per WSDL 1.1, that the value of the style attribute is 'document'. R2204 requires that all wsdl:part elements with a style attribute whose value is 'document' that are bound to soapbind:body be defined using the element attribute. This requirement does the same for soapbind:fault, soapbind:header and soapbind:headerfault elements.
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