Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
在類型 <var>Type Name</var> 上的方法 <var>Method name</var> 是服務聯繫介面 <var>Interface type</var> 的實作。服務實作無法指定改變屬性的服務描述。請將自訂的屬性放置於介面宣告: 介面: <var>Interface type</var>, 方法: <var>Attribute</var>,屬性: X。
Unlocalized message
Method <var>Method name</var> on type <var>Type Name</var> is an implementation of the service contract interface <var>Interface type</var>. Service Description altering attributes cannot be specified on service implementation. Please place custom attribute on the interface declaration: interface: <var>Interface type</var>, method: <var>Attribute</var>, attribute: X.
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