Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
/preprocess[:file] 建立單一的彙總專案檔,方法是 內嵌要在建置期間匯入的所有檔案, 並且標記它們的邊界。這可以幫助您 了解要匯入哪些檔案 和從哪裡匯入,以及它們對於建置 有何功用。根據預設,輸出會寫入到 主控台視窗。如果提供了輸出檔的路徑, 便會使用所提供的路徑。 (簡短形式: /pp) 範例: /pp:out.txt
Unlocalized message
/preprocess[:file] Creates a single, aggregated project file by inlining all the files that would be imported during a build, with their boundaries marked. This can be useful for figuring out what files are being imported and from where, and what they will contribute to the build. By default the output is written to the console window. If the path to an output file is provided that will be used instead. (Short form: /pp) Example: /pp:out.txt
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