Message in Spanish (Español)
ExtendedProtectionPolicy especificó un valor 'Always' para PolicyEnforcement y no se encontró un ChannelBinding. Esto impide que se aplique ExtendedProtectionPolicy. Cambie el enlace de forma que ChannelBinding esté disponible. Para StandardBindings use un SecurityMode de TransportWithMessageCredential y un tipo de ClientCredential de Windows. Para CustomBindings use SspiNegotiationOverTransport o KerberosOverTransport. También puede especificar un valor 'Never' para PolicyEnforcement.
Unlocalized message
ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' and a ChannelBinding was not found. This prevents the ExtendedProtectionPolicy from being enforced. Change the binding to make a ChannelBinding available, for StandardBindings use a SecurityMode of TransportWithMessageCredential and a ClientCredential type of Windows. For CustomBindings use SspiNegotiationOverTransport or KerberosOverTransport. Alternatively, specify a PolicyEnforcement of 'Never'.
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