Message in Danish (Dansk)
ServiceBinding-kontrollen under SSPI-forhandlingen (Security Support Provider Interface) mislykkedes. ExtendedProtectionPolicy angav en PolicyEnforcement af typen 'Always' eller 'WhenSupported'. ServiceNamesCollection indeholdt ikke en streng, som stemte overens med den ServiceBinding, der blev hentet fra SecurityContext. Hvis tjenestebindingen '<var>X</var>' er gyldig, kan denne fejl rettes ved at føje den til ExtendedProtectionPolicy CustomServiceNames.
Unlocalized message
The ServiceBinding check during Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) negotiation failed. ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' or 'WhenSupported'. The ServiceNamesCollection did not contain a string that matched the ServiceBinding obtained from the SecurityContext. If the service binding '<var>X</var>' is valid this error can be corrected by adding it to the ExtendedProtectionPolicy CustomServiceNames.
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