Message in Swedish (Svenska)
ServiceBinding-kontrollen under SSPI-förhandlingen (Security Support Provider Interface) misslyckades. ExtendedProtectionPolicy angav PolicyEnforcement "Always" eller "WhenSupported". En ServiceBinding hittades i säkerhetskontexten. Du kan korrigera det med PolicyEnforcement "Never". Om ett annat värde än "Always" anges för PolicyEnforcement minskas antalet kanalbindningskontroller.
Unlocalized message
The ServiceBinding check during Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) negotiation failed. ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' or 'WhenSupported'. A ServiceBinding was not found in the Security Context. You can correct this by PolicyEnforcement 'Never'. Setting the PolicyEnforcement to a value other than 'Always' reduces channel binding checks.
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