Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
无法为“<var>X</var>”种类的终结点指定“address”属性。若要配置多播地址和端口,请使用 standardEndpoints\<var>X</var> 节定义的 standardEndpoint 元素中的“multicastAddress”属性,并通过“endpointConfiguration”属性使“multicastAddress”属性引用此终结点元素。
Unlocalized message
The 'address' property cannot be specified for an endpoint of kind '<var>X</var>'. To configure the multicast address and port, use 'multicastAddress' property on a standardEndpoint element defined in the standardEndpoints\<var>X</var> section and reference it to this endpoint element using 'endpointConfiguration' property.
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