Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
可用于创建自定义数值格式字符串的字符: “0”- 零占位符, “#”- 数字占位符, “.”- 小数点, “,”- 千位分隔符和数值范围分隔符, “%”- 百分比占位符, “E0”- 科学记数法, “\”- 转义符, “;”- 段分隔符。所有其他字符则作为文字复制到输出字符串中它们应出现的位置。
Unlocalized message
Characters that can be used to create custom numeric format strings: '0' - Zero placeholder, '#' - Digit placeholder, '.' - Decimal point, ',' - Thousand separator and number scaling, '%' - Percentage placeholder, 'E0' - Scientific notation, '\' - Escape character, ';' - Section separator.All other characters are copied to the output string as literals in the position they appear.
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