Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
剖析 IPartitionResolver 型別 '<var>Type Name</var>' 執行個體所傳回的狀態伺服器連接字串時發生錯誤。連接字串的格式必須為 tcpip=<server>:<port>,其中 <server> 是有效的 IP 位址或是只使用 ASCII 字元的電腦名稱,而 <port> 則是介於 0 到 65535 之間不帶正負號的整數。</port></server></port></server>
Unlocalized message
Error parsing the state server connection string returned by an instance of the IPartitionResolver type '<var>Type Name</var>'. The connection string must have the format tcpip=<server>:<port>, where <server> is either a valid IP address or a machine name using only ASCII characters, and <port> is an unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 65535.</port></server></port></server>
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