Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
从 msdb 中移除“会话状态”已过期的会话作业的尝试没有成功。出现这种情况可能是因为: 该作业已不再存在,或最初创建该作业时使用的用户帐户与当前执行卸载所用的帐户不同。如果仍存在“会话状态”已过期的会话作业,则需要手动删除它。"
Unlocalized message
The attempt to remove the Session State expired sessions job from msdb did not succeed. This can occur either because the job no longer exists, or because the job was originally created with a different user account than the account that is currently performing the uninstall. You will need to manually delete the Session State expired sessions job if it still exists."
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