Message in Norwegian (Bokmal) (Norsk (Bokmål))
Kan ikke fastslå elementtypen for ordlistetypen <var>Type Name</var> fordi den har mer enn én Add-metode eller IDictionary<k,v>-implementasjon. Du kan gjøre denne ordlistetypen brukbar i XAML ved å legge til en felles Add(object,object)-metode, implementere System.Collections.IDictionary eller én enkelt System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<k,v>.</k,v></k,v>
Unlocalized message
Cannot determine the item type of dictionary type '<var>Type Name</var>' because it has more than one Add method or IDictionary<k,v> implementation. To make this dictionary type usable in XAML, add a public Add(object,object) method, implement System.Collections.IDictionary or a single System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<k,v>.</k,v></k,v>
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