Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
接收到的登录消息包含错误格式数据。 格式错误: %1 这种情况可能由恶意客户端、与非 Microsoft 单一登录软件互操作故障或消息篡改造成。 用户操作 如果您正在环境中使用非 Microsoft 联合身份验证软件,请检查该联合身份验证软件是否与 AD FS 兼容。
Unlocalized message
A sign-in message was received that contains incorrectly formatted data. Format error: %1 This situation can be due to rogue clients; interoperability failure with non-Microsoft, single-sign-on software; or message tampering. User Action If you are using non-Microsoft federation software in your environment, verify that the federation software is compatible with AD FS.
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