Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))

客户端提供了无效的登录快捷令牌作为证据。令牌引用了 AD FS 信任策略不信任的 X509 证书。密钥标识符字段包含证书指纹。请验证该证书是否包含在用于该帐户伙伴的联合身份验证服务的信任策略中的验证证书列表中。

Unlocalized message

The client presented an invalid logon accelerator token as evidence. The token referenced an X509 certificate that is not trusted by the AD FS trust policy. The key identifier field contains the certificate thumbprint. Verify that the certificate is included in the list of verification certificates in the Federation Service's trust policy for that account partner.

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