Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
Adprep 无法检查当前用户的组成员身份。 [状态/结果] Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。 [用户操作] 验证当前登录用户是域管理员组、企业管理员组和架构管理员组的成员(如果指定了 /forestprep),还是域管理员组的成员(如果指定了 /domainprep)。
Unlocalized message
Adprep was unable to check the current user's group membership. [Status/Consequence] Adprep has stopped without making changes. [User Action] Verify the current logged on user is a member of Domain Admins group, Enterprise Admins group and Schema Admins group if /forestprep is specified, or is a member of Domain Admins group if /domainprep is specified.
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