Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
Adprep 已完成,但有错误。并未更新所有分区。有关详细信息,请参阅 %1 目录中的 ADPrep.log。 若要成功更新所有分区,当前登录的用户需要成为“企业管理”组的成员。如果不是这种情况,请更正该问题,然后重新启动 Adprep。
Unlocalized message
Adprep completed with errors. Not all partitions are updated. See the ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. To successfully update all partititions, the current logged on user needs to be a member of Enterprise Admins group. If that is not the case, please correct the problem, and then restart Adprep.
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