Message in Norwegian (Bokmal) (Norsk (Bokmål))
Denne kommandoen aktiverer eller deaktiverer Emergency Management Services for den angitte oppføringen. bcdedit /bootems [<id>] { ON | OFF } <id> Angir identifikatoren til oppføringen som skal endres. Selv om denne kommandoen fungerer for alle oppføringer, har den bare virkning for oppstartsprogrammer. Eksempel:Følgende kommando aktiverer Emergency Management Services for oppstartsbehandling: bcdedit /bootems {bootmgr} ON</id></id>
Unlocalized message
This command enables or disables Emergency Management Services for the specified entry. bcdedit /bootems [<id>] { ON | OFF } <id> Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. Although this command will work for any entry, it is only effective for boot applications. Example:The following command enables Emergency Management Services for the boot manager: bcdedit /bootems {bootmgr} ON</id></id>
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