Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
FIRMWARE BOOT MANAGER 下列類型只適用於韌體開機管理程式項目。如需這些類型之資料格式的 詳細資訊,請執行 "bcdedit /? FORMATS"。 開機 ====BOOTSEQUENCE (list) 定義一次開機順序。 DEFAULT (id) 定義預設開機項目。 TIMEOUT (integer) 定義開機管理程式要等候的時間 (以秒為單位)。 顯示 ====DISPLAYORDER (list) 定義開機管理程式顯示順序清單。
Unlocalized message
FIRMWARE BOOT MANAGER The following types apply only to entries for the firmware boot manager. For information about data formats for these types, run "bcdedit /? FORMATS". Boot ====BOOTSEQUENCE (list) Defines the one-time boot sequence. DEFAULT (id) Defines the default boot entry. TIMEOUT (integer) Defines the boot manager time to wait, in seconds. Display =======DISPLAYORDER (list) Defines the boot manager display order list.
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