Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
内存诊断应用程序 以下类型仅应用于内存诊断应用程序项。 有关这些类型的数据格式的信息, 请运行 "bcdedit /? FORMATS"。 测试 ====PASSCOUNT (整数) 将运行的迭代数目。 TESTMIX 可以是 BASIC 或 EXTENDED。 有关应用于内存诊断应用程序的附加类型, 请运行 "bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP"。
Unlocalized message
MEMORY DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATION The following types apply only to entries for memory diagnostic application entries. For information about data formats for these types, run "bcdedit /? FORMATS". Test ====PASSCOUNT (integer) The number of iterations that will be run. TESTMIX Can be BASIC or EXTENDED. For additional types that apply to the memory diagnostic application, run "bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP".
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