Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
叢集磁碟資源 '%1' 包含不正確的掛接點。與掛接點相關的來源及目標磁碟必須都是叢集磁碟,而且必須是同一個群組的成員。 磁碟區 '%3' 的掛接點 '%2' 參照不正確的來源磁碟。請確定來源磁碟也是叢集磁碟,而且與目標磁碟 (裝載掛接點) 在同一個群組。
Unlocalized message
Cluster disk resource '%1' contains an invalid mount point. Both the source and target disks associated with the mount point must be clustered disks, and must be members of the same group. Mount point '%2' for volume '%3' references an invalid source disk. Please ensure that the source disk is also a clustered disk and in the same group as the target disk (hosting the mount point).
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