Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
已啟動取消操作,但可能需要數分鐘的時間才能完成。請等候 取消操作完成,讓受影響的節點可以恢復非叢集的狀態。 如果這個處理程序不能在 5 分鐘內完成,您可以再次按下 Ctrl-C 或 Ctrl-Break 立即結束。不過,這可能需要對每個節點執行以下 命令手動清除每個節點:cluster <節點名稱> node /force</節點名稱>
Unlocalized message
Cancellation has been initiated and may take a few minutes to complete. Please wait for cancellation to complete so the affected node(s) can be returned to their non-clustered state. If this process has not completed after 5 minutes, you can press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break again to quit immediately. However, this may require manual cleanup of each node by running:cluster <node name=""> node /force for each node.</node>
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