Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
MSDTC TM 无法确定传入连接请求是否来自远程计算机。出于安全考虑,此连接请求将作为远程连接请求处理。如果没有启用 NetworkClient 安全选项,将导致 MSDTC TM 拒绝此连接企图。这会导致应用程序报告 TM 不可用。 错误说明: %1
Unlocalized message
The MSDTC TM could not determine if an incoming connection request is from a remote machine. For security reasons, it will treat this connection request as a remote connection request. If the NetworkClients security option is not enabled, this can cause it to reject this connection attempt. This can cause applications to report that the TM is not available. Error Specifics: %1
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