Message in Danish (Dansk)
MS DTC-tjenesten afsluttes, fordi den ikke startede korrekt. Dette kan skyldes, at MS DTC var for længe om at gendanne logfilen. Prøv at øge timeout ved start ved at angive en større DWORD-værdi for "MaxRecoveryTimePerMbInMinutes" i registreringsdatabasenøglen HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC. Standardværdien er 3 (minutter). Fejlfindingskontekst følger: %1
Unlocalized message
The MS DTC Service is terminating because it didnt startup in a timely manner. This may be because MS DTC took too long to recover its log file. Try increasing the startup timeout by specifying a larger "MaxRecoveryTimePerMbInMinutes" DWORD value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC registry key. The default for this value is 3 (minutes). Debugging context follows: %1
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