Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
在磁碟區 "%2 (%5)" 刪除目錄 "%4" 的中繼資料項目時, 發生意外的錯誤。錯誤狀態: %3 這可能已造成不正確的檔案檢測設定。 建議您使用管理工具檢視磁碟區的檔案檢測設定, 以便找出設定錯誤及被遺棄的項目。
Unlocalized message
An unexpected error occurred while deleting metadata entry for directory "%4"on volume "%2 (%5)". Error status: %3 This may have resulted in incorrect file screening configuration. It is recommended that you review the file screening configuration on the volume for misconfigured or orphan entries using the management tools.
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