Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
檢測微篩選器驅動程式偵測到磁碟區 "%2 (%3)" 有不正確的檢測設定記錄, 並已予以刪除。微篩選器無法判斷 受影響的目錄。您可以從備份還原磁碟區的檔案檢測 設定,或使用管理工具來 檢視設定並重新設定任何遺漏的項目。
Unlocalized message
The screening minifilter driver detected and deleted an invalid screening configuration record on volume "%2 (%3)". The minifilter was unable to determine what directory was affected. You can either restore the file screen configuration for the volume from backup or use the management tools to review the configuration and reconfigure any missing entries.
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