Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))

基底物件: %1 基底物件描述: "伺服器物件"值物件屬性: %2 值物件描述: "DC 帳戶物件"損害值: %3 建議動作: 請檢查這個 DC 沒有超過一個以上的 DC 帳戶物件,若有的話請刪除 舊的重複項目。

Unlocalized message

Base Object: %1 Base Object Description: "Server Object"Value Object Attribute: %2 Value Object Description: "DC Account Object"Mangled Value: %3 Recommended Action: Check that there is not more than one DC Account Objects for this DC, and if so clean up the older duplicates.

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