Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
在本机上的 DHCP/BINL 服务决定自身已授权可以开始。 它决定该机器刚更新过。如果该机器是属于一个目录服务企业,那么该 DHCP 服务必须在该目录服务授权然后才可为客户端提供服务。(有关详细材料,请参阅DHCP 服务管理工具的授权服务器)。
Unlocalized message
The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now. The DHCP/BINL service has determined that the machine was recently upgraded. If the machine is intended to belong to a directory service enterprise, the DHCP service must be authorized in the directory service for it to start servicing clients. (See help on DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing the server).
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