Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
使用方式: IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] 設定目前選取子系統之目標入口網站的群組 IPSEC 金鑰。 GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] 指定要設定的群組 IPSEC 金鑰。若為空,則會清除金鑰。 您必須選取子系統,才能順利完成此操作。 範例: IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=8dfc93a12d</groupkey></groupkey>
Unlocalized message
Usage: IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] Sets the group IPSEC key for the target portals of the currently selected subsystem. GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] Specifies the group IPSEC key to set. If empty the key will be cleared. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=8dfc93a12d</groupkey></groupkey>
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