Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
DNS 服务器已经重新配置为从启动文件进行启动。当前服务器和区域配置信息已写入该文件。 若要返回到从注册表或 Active Directory 启动,请使用 DNS 控制台并为服务器重新配置启动方式。有关详细信息,请参阅联机帮助中的“更改由 DNS 服务器使用的启动方式”。
Unlocalized message
The DNS server has been reconfigured to boot from a boot file. Current server and zone configuration information has been written to this file. To return to booting from the registry or Active Directory, use the DNS console and reconfigure the boot method for the server. For more information, see "To change the boot method used by the DNS server" in the online Help.
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