Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
DNS 伺服器限制介面清單中包含不是設定給伺服器電腦使用的 IP 位址。 請使用 DNS 管理員伺服器內容中的介面對話方塊,來確認並重設 DNS 伺服器應接聽的 IP 位址。請參閱線上說明中的 [限制 DNS 伺服器只接聽選取的位址],以取得額外資訊。
Unlocalized message
The DNS server list of restricted interfaces contains IP addresses that are not configured for use at the server computer. Use the DNS manager server properties, interfaces dialog, to verify and reset the IP addresses the DNS server should listen on. For more information, see "To restrict a DNS server to listen only on selected addresses" in the online Help.
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