Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
DNS 服务器检测到辅助区域 %1 在注册表数据中没有主 IP 地址。辅助区域需要至少一个主服务器作为资源。您可以使用 DNS 控制台为该区域添加或更新主服务器的 IP 地址。有关详细信息,请参阅联机帮助中的“为辅助区域更新主服务器”。
Unlocalized message
The DNS server has detected that the secondary zone %1 has no master IP addresses in registry data. Secondary zones require at least one master server to act as a source. You can add or update the IP address for the master server for this zone using the DNS console. For more information, see "To update the master server for a secondary zone" in the online Help.
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