Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
DNS 伺服器無法刪除 Active Directory 中的區域 %1。請檢查 Active Directory 是否運作正常。請注意,除非您使用 DNS 主控台重試區域刪除,否則無法從目錄刪除區域。事件資料包含錯誤。如需詳細資訊,請參閱線上說明中的 [新增及移除區域]。
Unlocalized message
The DNS server was unable to delete zone %1 in the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly. Note that this zone will not be removed from the directory unless you retry deleting of the zone using the DNS console. The event data contains the error. For more information see "Add and Remove Zones" in the online Help.
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