Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
備註: dsquery 命令可協助您尋找目錄中符合指定搜尋準則的物件: dsquery 的輸入是 搜尋準則,而輸出是符合搜尋的物件清單。如果要取得特定物件的內容,請使用 dsget 命令 (dsget /?)。 使用者輸入的值如果含有空格或分號,則必須用引號括住 ("")。而多個使用者輸入的 值則必須用逗點隔開 (例如,屬性類型的清單)。
Unlocalized message
Remarks: The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?). A user-entered value containing spaces or semicolons must be enclosed in quotes (""). Multiple user-entered values must be separated using commas (for example, a list of attribute types).
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