Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
描述: 目錄中符合指定搜尋條件的配額規格。配額規格可決定指定的 安全性主體在特定目錄分割內可以擁有的目錄物件數目上限。 如果這個命令中預先定義的搜尋條件不敷使用,則會利用較普 遍的 query 命令版本: dsquery *。
Unlocalized message
Description: Quota specifications in the directory that match the specified search criteria. A quota specification determines the maximum number of directory objects a given security principal can own in a specific directory partition. If the predefined search criteria in this command is insufficient, then use the more general version of the query command, dsquery *.
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