Message in Swedish (Svenska)
Visa en lista över konfigurerade filgrupper. Syntax: Filescrn Filegroup List Visa en lista över alla filgrupper på datorn. Filescrn Filegroup List [/Filegroup:FG_NAME] [/Remote:MACHINE] /Filegroup:FG_NAME Visa en lista över filgrupper med namnet FG_NAME. /Remote:MACHINE Utför åtgärden på datorn MACHINE. Exempel: Filescrn Filegroup List Filescrn Filegroup List /Filegroup:"Executable Files"
Unlocalized message
List currently configured file groups. The syntax of this command is:Filescrn Filegroup List List all file groups on the machine. Filescrn Filegroup List [/Filegroup:FG_NAME] [/Remote:MACHINE] /Filegroup:FG_NAME List file group with name FG_NAME. /Remote:MACHINE Perform the operation on machine MACHINE. Examples: Filescrn Filegroup List Filescrn Filegroup List /Filegroup:"Executable Files"
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