Message in Swedish (Svenska)
Syntax: Filescrn Screen {List | Add | Modify | Delete} List Visa en lista över konfigurerade filgaller. Add Lägg till nya filgaller. Modify Ändra befintliga filgaller. Delete Ta bort befintliga filgaller. Den minimisekvens som unikt identifierar en växel kan användas som en förkortning. Exempel: "Filescrn s l /list-n" motsvarar "Filescrn screen list /list-notifications".
Unlocalized message
The syntax of this command is:Filescrn Screen {List | Add | Modify | Delete} List List currently configured file screens. Add Add new file screens. Modify Modify existing file screens. Delete Delete existing file screens. The minimum sequence that uniquely identifies a switch can be used as an abbreviation. For example, "Filescrn s l /list-n" is equivalent to "Filescrn screen list /list-notifications".
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