Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
傳真服務無法執行特定的路由方法。該服務將會根據重試設定,重試傳送傳真。如果重試仍失敗,請確認路由方法設定。 工作識別碼: %1。 接收的裝置: '%2' 傳送處: '%3' 接收的檔案名稱: '%4'. 路由延伸名稱: '%5' 路由方法名稱: '%6'
Unlocalized message
The Fax Service failed to execute a specific routing method. The service will retry to route the fax according to the retries configuration. If the retries fail, verify routing method configuration. Job ID: %1. Received on Device: '%2' Sent from: '%3' Received file name: '%4'. Routing extension name: '%5' Routing method name: '%6'
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